
1-13-22 Update

2 years ago

9:45AM EST - update time

  • Free Shipping added to header/PLP/PDP

11-22-21 Update

2 years ago

6:00AM EST - update time

  • Amazon Pay added to checkout

7-29-21 Update

3 years ago

5:55PM EST - update time

  • Loading Skeleton added to the mobile PDP in effort to correct CLS score
Changed Security

6-30-21 Update

3 years ago

2:00PM EST - update time

  • Country access restrictions lifted per Google's requirements
Fixed Removed Changed

6-17-21 Deployment

3 years ago

7:45AM EST - deployed time

  • Amasty FPC extension removal
  • Fastly extension updated to latest version
  • Magento "isMSRPApplicable" JS error on PDP fixed
  • Order tracking directory change sync

4-7-21 Update

3 years ago

6:30am EST release time.

  • Order tracking links on the site are now pointing to the new (old m1) order tracking page
  • Order confirmation email is still being sent from wesupply, but we will implement a Magento email template to take its place shortly.

3-18-21 Security Update

3 years ago

7:45AM EST release time.

International traffic blacklist release

  • Whitelist of vendor IPs activated.
  • Blacklist of non-domestic countries activated, with the following countries exempt:
  • US
  • CA
  • Antigua/Bara
  • Bahamas
  • Belize
  • Curaco
  • Dom Rep
  • Grenada
  • Haiti
  • St. Helena
  • St. Kitts & Nevis
  • St. Lucia
  • St. Martin
  • St. Pierre / Miquelon
  • St. Vincent / Grenadines
  • Turks/Caicos
  • US Outlying Islands
  • US Virgin Islands
  • Caribbean Netherlands
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Barbados
  • Aruba
  • Cuba
Fixed Removed

3-8-21 Deployment

3 years ago

7:45AM EST - deployed time

  • Removed old SearchSpring Intellisuggest tracking code
Changed Fixed Removed

2-25-21 Deployment

3 years ago

7:25am EST - 1st and 8:30am EST - 2nd

This released in two parts and updates PDP, YotPo extension, carrier verbiage, and SearchSpring tracking. Full list below:

  • Removed Photoslurp asset loads from PDP
  • Updated YotPo Extension
  • Updated carrier verbiage for tracking
  • SearchSpring intellisuggest tracking code removal and new addition

2-11-21 Deployment

3 years ago

7:45AM EST - deployed time

This release was to fix a mapping issue on the order import process from p21 to magento.

Item released:

* Update to backend process for order importing/exporting

Removed Changed Added Fixed

2-9-21 Deployment

3 years ago

7:45AM EST - deployed time

This release was centered around M2 extension updates and updates to our order export and tracking processes.

Items released:

  • Setup new shipping carrier NSD for order tracking
  • Update extension (paradoxlabs) to 4.3.4
  • Removed 121 customer service module from codebase
  • ItemShippingTracking is empty for some orders when they come to wesupply - FIXED
  • Update one step checkout amasty extension to the latest versions
  • Modify shipping method item values in the order export file
  • Change FEDEX -> UPS carrier value for order export
  • Billing and shipping address update to prevent duplicates in the order export file
  • Update yotpo extension to the latest version